Our School Dance is just around the corner!
March 7
- Grades K-2: 2:45-4:15 PM
- Grades 3-5: 4:45-6:15 PM (*note the end time differs from the flyer).

- Grades 6-8: 6:00-8:00 PM

No cell phones
Pizza, subs, & snacks available for purchase
Red Smith students only
If you’d like to volunteer as a chaperone or concessions worker, please sign up here:
Elementary Volunteers: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/60B0C4AABA92EA0F49-55122171-elementary?useFullSite=true#/
Middle School Volunteers: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/60B0C4AABA92EA0F49-55122371-middle?useFullSite=true#/